41. Do you do anything to protect yourselves? What used to be the living room is now the "front line room." Facing the street side, it's the most dangerous one. Lokman built a barricade which is supposed to protect the room from danger, shells, and sniper bullets. The window of the living room used to let the light all the way through the kitchen and the dining room. Because this window doesn't exist anymore, the apartment is without natural light. The barricade is made of 3 shelves full of clothes, books, bricks, and stones. The balcony's door is protected with a heavy piece of wood and a child's mattress. The dining room is always dark but it's the safest because it faces the yard. Family Leisure 42. Describe what you do during your leisure time. The adults have no free time. The children just play in nature. 43. What does your family do for fun? Hours/week? Visit friends: Nedzad visits with his friends sometimes. Arina doesn't like when he goes without her to visit some friends, when he needs his privacy. But then, her grandmother explains how normal it is and she forgives him as soon as he comes back. Sports: Arina used to play tennis. TV: Whenever there is electricity, Lokman watches television. Nafja will read or watch TV: her two favorite activities. Whenever it's possible we like to watch TV. We often watch the Serbian channel, because we find TV Sarajevo so boring. Before the war, Arina remembers her favorite activity was to watch TV while eating little snacks during a Sunday afternoon. Since the war started, she lost ten kilos. Other: Lokman listens to the radio most of the day. He listens to Radio Sarajevo and Radio Belgrade. Nedzad likes to read thrillers and cartoons. 44. Does your family take vacations? When and where? Before the war, Arina and Nedzad went on holiday in Italy and Austria. Other times we enjoyed a month on the Adriatic coast with the family.